Doctor Who
JoinedPosts by Doctor Who
How many of you left the Org since 2015?
by Paul Bonanno ini have noticed that many lately have left the org or are in the process of leaving.
how many of you have left since 2015?.
this month will be my 21 years out of the org into the road of freedom.
Doctor Who
Mentally left in Oct. 2014. Just 'resigned' as a ministerial servant last week on 'anxiety' issues. Plan on fading and being completely out by the end of the year! My little sister hasn't been to a meeting in over a month since I showed her TTATT!!!!! -
A Judicial experience.
by John Aquila inwhen i was an elder in the 80s, a 16 year old baptized jw girl had confessed that at school during lunch a boy kissed her and touched her privates over her dress.
the circuit overseer was in town and we told him of the situation and he called the society and then told us that mother said we were not allowed to conduct the funeral in the kingdom hall or anywhere else with the threat of removing us and being dealt with judicially if we disobeyed.
the mother who is about 79 years old comes once a year to talk to my mom about the situation.
Doctor Who
John, I am sorry about your experience. Unfortunately, it is things like these that has to happen to wake some of us up. The totalitarian rules of the Society is causing its foundations to crumble. I just hope I am still alive to see its total collapse! -
Local Congregation Takes Away My Dad's Phone Hook-Up (HE'S 85 YRS. OLD)
by NoMoreHustle inthis happened about 6 months ago, didn't really have an opportunity to post about it (been busy), but they still haven't given back his password for the phone hook-up.
they say that this is direction from the "branch office".
i think it's complete bs, the real reason why they are doing this is to punish me & my family because i am basically a ghost when it comes to meetings & any type of activity.
Doctor Who
BTW....this is one of the things that caused me to 'wake up." It also helped me to turn down my appointment to be an Elder. I mean, seriously!?!? If this is 'love' as shown by the org, then they can keep it. -
Local Congregation Takes Away My Dad's Phone Hook-Up (HE'S 85 YRS. OLD)
by NoMoreHustle inthis happened about 6 months ago, didn't really have an opportunity to post about it (been busy), but they still haven't given back his password for the phone hook-up.
they say that this is direction from the "branch office".
i think it's complete bs, the real reason why they are doing this is to punish me & my family because i am basically a ghost when it comes to meetings & any type of activity.
Doctor Who
We had an Elders meeting with the CO about 6 months ago on this. Basically he stated that the pin # needed changed 'often' with those who have access to it 'reviewed at that time to see if the fit the requirements to use the telephone system."
He went on to say that those with "long term sickness may be able to physically make the meetings, but we have made it too easy for them to not be there. Can we offer them rides to the meetings? Is there someone in their family that can get them to the meetings? If so, these one would NOT qualify for the hook-up."
Quotes are directly from my notes...
Did the society official track each member of the 144,000?
by Bob Loblaw inwhen i left witness land in the early 90's, i remember hearing that out of 144,000 anointed members that there were only 8 to 9 thousand left and then the end will come.. i'm suddenly curious.
the jw organization is one that puts emphasis on tracking, i.e., regular meeting attendance, current standing, field service hours, territory tracking, return visits, etc.
therefore, did the society ever try to track each and every member of the 144,000?
Doctor Who
Interesting. At our last Elders/Servant meeting I remember our CO talking to the COBE and Secretary about making sure the Other Sheep/Anointed was filled out on their card so he could report that back to the Branch. -
Bible Students Convention ......New Understanding of 607!!
by umbertoecho injuly 23, 2015 at 3:35 pm.
i have just read this from berean pickets in the comment section.
it's quite a leap.
Name "UNWRITTEN" Rules That JWs Are Supposed To Follow
by minimus inas with the scribes and pharisees, there are a number of unwritten rules that witnesses are supposed to follow.
here's a couple : "worldly" kids in society depictions are shown quite often wearing their baseball caps backwards.
jehovah's witness youths would not want to imitate that "look".
Doctor Who
I had an Elder once say to me that my package (or he might have said man bulge) shouldn't be apparent when in front of the Congregation. I still to this day have no flippen idea what he smoking or why he was obsessed with my manly parts. -
Question and answers for fisherperson regardingy time at bethel
by _Morpheus inso fisherperson sent me a pm asking a bunch of questions re my time at beth hell.
rather than respond in a pm i will post the q/a here as i have nothing to hide.
q:what years did you serve in brooklyn bethel?
Creative Ways To Get DFed For "Brazen Conduct"
by JW_Rogue inokay, so here's the idea let's try come up with some creative ways to get dfed under the new "brazen conduct" rule.
i'll start:.
continuously schedule get togethers at your house on the same night as the meeting, invite the entire congregation and see who shows up.. go to the memorial and drink the entire glass of wine but don't eat the bread.. regularly go to nude beaches and tell people that's what adam and eve would do.. get a tattoo on your neck and tell people you count hours anytime somebody sees it.. when a preteen brother or sister gets baptized tell them they are also ready to start driving.
Doctor Who
1. Set the congregations computer homepage to a porn site.
2. Tell sisters you need to measure their skirts to make sure they are long enough.
3. Wear a tie to the meetings with embroidered on it.
4. When answering at the meetings always say first, "The 7 in Brooklyn saw in a vision..."
thanks jah, for her win... say serena williams?
by sowhatnow in
a huffington post link to an article where serena williams 'secret weapon' is you know who..... interesting read .
Doctor Who
As long as she contributes $$$$$ to the WT, they will let her do as she pleases.